What Is The Anxiety Of Life And How To Deal With It?

What is the anxiety of living and how to deal with it? Should you seek professional help if you experience this type of discomfort? We tackle the subject here.
What is the anxiety of living and how to deal with it?

Anguish is an emotional state associated with unpleasant sensations or even suffering. It can also produce a feeling of suffocation, deep sadness, or a feeling of extreme vulnerability. When we talk about the anguish of life, we are referring here to a type of distress centered in particular on the fear of suffering or of being attacked.

This type of anxiety manifests itself very broadly. That is, it is a feeling of discomfort that appears in all aspects of our life.

While it is usually related to the fear of imminent danger, it also involves a fear of life in general. It is a permanent state of emotional disturbance that undermines a person’s life force and harms their quality of life.

What is the anguish of living?

The anxiety of life is characterized mainly by a constant fear of being in danger. It then involves physical symptoms such as headache, difficulty breathing, excessive sweating or nausea.

In the past, the anxiety of life was a fear essential to the survival of the species. However, nowadays, this phenomenon can no longer be considered adaptive since it generates discomfort and unnecessary suffering in the person who suffers from it.

This anxiety manifests itself in a very generalized way in the body. It is always associated with negative emotions. The person then feels very limited in his daily life.

In addition, it is usually noted that depressive symptoms and unpleasant feelings also appear along with anxiety. The effects on the physical and psychological health of the person are therefore obvious.

A depressed man.

How to cope with the anguish of life?

To deal with this type of feeling, the first thing we recommend is to seek psychological help from a specialist. Therapy is indeed a good tool when you feel overwhelmed, or when you don’t have the resources to deal with a certain situation or certain feelings.

Beyond seeking help, one can also begin to make changes in one’s life. You can, for example, start by changing your way of thinking in order to combat this feeling of distress. Find out below some guidelines that can help you in this regard.

Accept this state of affairs

The first thing to do to face the anxiety of life is to recognize it, to name it. We cannot deal with a problem or symptoms if we are not really aware of it. Above all, we must recognize that it interferes in our life and in our discomfort.

Therefore, if you are suffering from this type of distress, we encourage you to stop for a moment and admit that something is causing you intense discomfort. Suppressing your emotions or feelings often has both short and long term negative effects. Moreover, it also prevents us from working on the problem since we deny it.

So allow yourself to feel. Accept that something is wrong and start working on it. And above all, don’t beat yourself up. Don’t demand “to be okay”. From this point you can start working on the second point.

Do some soul searching

Through introspection, you will be able to come to understand (at least in part) what is causing you this discomfort. So, you need to review your life and your emotions and listen to yourself to begin to see what is really happening to you.

On the other hand, it will also be important to identify what is causing this fear and anxiety in you. In this sense, writing down the exact situations that make you feel fearful is a good idea. Also note the thoughts and emotions associated with these situations.

Expose yourself to what scares you

In psychotherapy, exposure therapy is the most effective way to work on phobias. In this case, the anxiety of life makes you fear something. Especially situations that make you think that you are threatened or about to be attacked.

So the very act of exposing yourself to these situations and fears can be another small step in combating this anxiety. Sometimes it’s best to do it gradually. And, of course, always with professional help if you need it.

Practice relaxation to fight the anxiety of life

The practice of relaxation is very beneficial in treating symptoms of anxiety. When a person is anxious, thoughts rush through their head and their mind is constantly on alert. In short, he is always ready to react to imminent danger.

Physiologically, the person can also behave in a particularly agitated way. Reducing both physical and mental stimulation through relaxation exercises can help ease their anxiety about life.

A woman in deep introspection.

I suffer from the anguish of life: how to move forward?

The anxiety of life is a general feeling of unease. It is constant worry and emotional pain that can come from a variety of situations.

However, it is often a distress related to the fear of being hurt or being assaulted. It can also relate to his own life. For example, the person who suffers from it is not really satisfied with his life.

As we can see, this is a complex concept that needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. Behind these symptoms can indeed hide multiple causes. These symptoms can also vary considerably from one person to another in terms of physical and psychological effects.

While there are practices that can help us identify some of its causes and effects on our lives, the best way to deal with the anxiety of life is to seek professional help. A good psychologist can assess your specific case and give you the advice you need to start feeling better.

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Our thoughts Our thoughts

It is a mistake to think that difficult situations, or which have caused us great suffering, resolve themselves over time.

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