You Stole My Loneliness With Your Fake Company

You stole my loneliness with your fake company

“You stole my loneliness from me with your false company.” It is possible that this feeling and this emptiness is telling you something.

You have surely experienced it in the past with an interested friendship which seeks its own benefit, and which has certainly never been concerned with your interests, your sorrows or your joys.

And what about these emotional relationships that fade into the abyss of failure? It is commonplace. We open the doors of our hearts to people who fill us with illusion and move us.

But then we realize that there is no loneliness more painful than having someone by our side who does not see us and who does not know how to make us happy.


Emotional loneliness is one in which we project certain hopes but in which we actually find a great void. Few feelings can be as devastating as this loneliness that goes far beyond the physical plane.


Emotional loneliness is one of the great evils of our time. Most of us are surrounded by people, family, friends, our spouse, and hundreds or thousands of friends on social media.

However, there is no more agonizing pain than to perceive these voids, which no one knows how to fill.

The loneliness that no one sees

Emotional loneliness can have a rather contradictory profile. It is likely that you are often told “You can’t complain, you have a very attentive spouse who loves you so much”, “You, for sure, you don’t. will never be bored, with all the friends you have ”.

You will surely respond with a shy smile knowing that appearances are only appearances, and that in reality you feel terribly alone.

Loneliness is often seen as a physical absence of people around us, where we move forward in life, without any ties that bind us, without people who pay attention to us or to whom to offer and give this daily tenderness that enriches us all.

So, is it necessary to always have someone near us to be happy? Absolutely not.


On some occasions, solitude is that intimate space in which we can find the greatest balance. Introspection and being with yourself is a way to strengthen our self-esteem and enrich ourselves.

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This is how we can say that all those people who are part of our life and who only offer us their selfishness and emotional immaturity, take away from us a part of this precious solitude in which we find a protection of great value.


If I open the doors of my heart to you, I am a little more vulnerable, because I expect you to be my complement, my accomplice and not a fresh breeze that fills me with emptiness. .


How to overcome emotional loneliness?

Emotional loneliness is one of the most devastating feelings that a human being can have. The feeling of having someone or more people around us and of being aware that we feel terribly alone, perhaps the antechamber of depression.


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1-Identify the discomfort, this feeling of dissatisfaction, this emptiness. There are times when we may hide emotional loneliness behind other dimensions, such as low self-esteem and low motivation in our social relationships, when in reality we feel “there is something wrong with- beyond and which does not work ”.

The wound is in these people around us, who do not see us, who do not enrich us, and who basically do not know how to make us happy.

2-Think and listen to your emotions. “What are you feeling? Is it sadness that makes you feel this way? Are you afraid, who or what is causing it?

3-Once you have identified the real problem, communicate it. It is vital to share your feelings with others, whether it is your spouse, a family member or a friend.

Make it clear that this relationship causes more suffering than happiness and that it is necessary to change strategies.

4-Once you have started the engine of change, whatever it is, it is important to be able to enjoy your own loneliness again.

Indeed, you have spent a lot of time without being able to be yourself, hoping for things, sensations and emotions.

In your person there is a series of needs which you must balance by finding this inner child yourself.

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Emotional loneliness is sometimes experienced as an inconsistency: We have someone and yet we feel the pain of loneliness in an almost heartbreaking way. The fact of freeing ourselves and finding ourselves again helps us in our personal development.


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